Digital Technology | AI, digital twins and immersive technologies
Develop your business with our series of webinars which will prepare you for change and inspire you to grow.
Looking at both the practical elements of business linked to governance and finance, as well as exploring a more innovative future via forward looking trends, new technology and new markets, you will be ready to succeed in every opportunity.
On 19th May will be sharing her expertise in the use of AI, digital twins and immersive technologies (virtual reality and augmented reality).
Digital transformation is fundamentally changing how businesses operate and deliver value to their customers. This represents a big challenge for both companies and their employees. Digital twins (digital replicas of real-world infrastructure) are rapidly becoming perceived as must-haves across industries. Using computing power they bring greater accuracy, control and predictability to a range of challenges. When combined with immersive technologies, such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), they create new possibilities for linking digital models and simulations with real-world data focused on a human-centred design.
In this presentation, we will explore use cases for digital twins and immersive technologies and consider ideas on what might become possible in the future.
Learning outcomes/take-aways
- Understand what digital twins are and how they are changing different industries.
- Recognise how immersive technologies can help to bridge the gap between complex data and users’ knowledge.
- Apply different use cases for digital twins, AR and VR to the construction industry.
- 12pm - Welcome, I-Construct
- 12.05pm - Networking via breakout rooms
- 12.15pm - Presentation, Anasol Peña-Rios, BT
- 12.45pm - Q&A
- 12.55pm - Closing words
Meet your speaker
Dr Anasol Peña-Rios is an AI and Optimisation Research Manager at BT Research Labs in Adastral Park, Ipswich, where she has been personally driving the agenda on exploring the use of AI, digital twins and immersive technologies (VR & AR) in the context of BT´s field force operations. She was the winner of the TechWomen100 2020 awards, she was shortlisted for the Computing Women in IT Excellence Awards 2018 and her project was highly commended at the IET Innovation Awards 2018.
Anasol is also a Visiting Fellow at the University of Essex (UK), from which she holds a PhD in Computer Science. She is an IEEE Senior Member, Board Member and co-founder of the Immersive Learning Research Network, and Board Member of the Creative Science Foundation. Plus she serves as Associate Editor of EAI Endorsed Transactions on e-Learning and as a Review Editor of Frontiers’ Human-Media Interaction theme.
Her other professional contributions include numerous peer-reviewed publications and editorial work, in addition she serves as chair and co-organiser of numerous academic conferences. She has more than 15 years of professional experience in industry, working in close collaboration with international multidisciplinary teams.
This event is open to all SME I-Construct Network members.
If you're not an I-Construct member but are interested in joining, you are welcome to attend one of our events to see what our network has to offer.
Registration will close at 12pm, 18th May 2021.